The county assessor database contains specific information such as the assessor's name, title, address, due dates and more. This information prints at the top of the first page of the 571 form.
The California State Board of Equalization has a web page that lists all of the county assessor names and addresses.
To access the Forms571 county assessor database select Tools - County Assessors from the main menu to bring up the County Information window.
The County List tab on the County Information window allows you to browse a list of the county assessors.
To adit or delete from the list, first select the assessor you wish to edit or deleted by scrolling in the list, then click on the Edit tab across from the County List tab.
To add a new county assessor, click on the Edit tab and then on the New Record button on the right side of the window.
To preview and then print a report listing the county assessors in the database click on the Report button near the top right of the window.
The county assessor file is loaded upon the original installation of Forms571.  However, because you are free to update the county assessor file as you deem necessary throughout the year, this file is NOT updated each year as are the other Forms571 program files.
[However: If you delete the file named county.dbf contained in your program directory it will be regenerated from the latest copy the next time you enter the program.]