BOE-571-L (P5) REV. 30 (05-24)
If property belonging to others, or their business entities, is located on your premises, report the owner's name and mailing address. If it is leased equipment, read your agreement carefully and enter A (Lessor) or B (Lessee), and whether lessor or lessee has the tax obligation. For assessment purposes, the Assessor will consider, but is not bound to, the contractual agreement.
1. LEASED EQUIPMENT. Report the year of acquisition, the year of manufacture, description of the leased property, the lease contract number or other identification number, the total installed cost to purchase (including sales tax), and the annual rent; do not include in Schedule A or B (see No. 3, below).
2. LEASE-PURCHASE OPTION EQUIPMENT. Report here all equipment acquired on lease-purchase option on which the final payment remains to be made. Enter the year of acquisition, the year of manufacture, description of the leased property, the lease contract number or other identification number, the total installed cost to purchase (including sales tax), and the annual rent. If final payment has been made, report full cost in Schedule A or B (see No. 3, below).
3. CAPITALIZED LEASED EQUIPMENT. Report here all leased equipment that has been capitalized at the present value of the minimum lease payments on which a final payment remains to be made. Enter the year of acquisition, the year of manufacture, description of the leased property, the lease contract number or other identification number, and the total installed cost to purchase (including sales tax). Do not include in Schedule A or B unless final payment has been made.
4. VENDING EQUIPMENT. Report the model and description of the equipment; do not include in Schedule A.
5. OTHER BUSINESSES. Report other businesses on your premises.
6. GOVERNMENT-OWNED PROPERTY. If you possess or use government-owned land, improvements, or fixed equipment, or government-owned property is located on your premises, report the name and address of the agency which owns the property, and a description of the property.