BOE-571-F (P1) REV.28 (05-24)
Check either the Yes or the No box to indicate whether you have made alterations to the real property between January 1, 2009, and December 31, 2009. If No is checked, you may proceed to Part IV.
If you check the Yes box, go to page 4 to report any alteration made by you to the real property between January 1, 2009, and December 31, 2009. If you have made changes to various parcels, but are filing only one property statement, list the parcel numbers in the column provided. Describe the alteration and report cost as follows:
(1) Improvements added or removed. List and describe additions or alterations made during the twelve months preceding January 1 to buildings, structures, pumps, permanent pipelines or other items attached to the land. Enter the cost of any such changes. List and describe any removals giving the year of acquisition and original cost, if known. Enter the month and year the addition, alteration, or removal was completed. If not completed on January 1, enter "CIP" (construction in progress).
(2) Trees, vines, perennials, planted, removed, budded grafted. List and indicate additions or removals during the twelve months preceding January 1. For additions, list the date planted, number, species, variety, spacing, number of acres planted, and whether "planted" (all new planting or replanting) or "interplant" (new planting intermixed with existing plantings). Enter the cost of the additions. For removals, describe and list the date of planting, if known. If budded or grafted, provide dates and cost. Indicate the action taken in the heading area of the cost column.
(3) Changes to the land surface. Describe any changes made during the twelve months preceding January 1 in the surface of the land, such as leveling, ripping, drainage, well drilling, etc. Enter the cost of such changes, and acres changed. Enter the month and year the changes were completed. If not completed on January 1, enter "CIP" (construction in progress).