BOE-571-F (P1) REV.28 (05-24)
Complete items (a) through (i).
OWNERSHIP OF LAND (c). Check either the YES or the NO box to indicate whether you own the land at the LOCATION OF THE PROPERTY shown on this statement. If YES is checked, verify the official RECORDED NAME on your DEED. If it agrees with the name shown on this statement, check the second YES box. If it does not agree, check the second NO box.
Real Property – For purposes of reporting a change in control, real property includes land, structures, or fixtures owned or held under lease from (1) a private owner if the remaining term of the lease exceeds 35 years, including written renewal options, (2) a public owner (any arm or agency of local, state, or federal government) for any term or (3) mineral rights owned or held on lease for any term, whether in production or not.
Controlling Interest – When any person or legal entity obtains more than 50 percent of the voting stock of a corporation, or more than a 50 percent ownership interest in any other type of legal entity. The interest obtained includes what is acquired directly or indirectly by a parent or affiliated entity.
Forms, Filing Requirements & Penalty Information – Contact the Legal Entity Ownership Program Section at 916-274-3410 or refer to the Board's website at to obtain form BOE-100-B, applicable filing requirements, and penalty information.
REGISTERED OR SHOW HORSES (h-1). If yes is checked, obtain BOE-571-F2, Registered and Show Horses Other than Racehorses, from the Assessor and file with this return.
RACEHORSES (h-2). If yes is checked, obtain BOE-571-J, Annual Racehorse Tax Return, from the Assessor and file as required.
MANUFACTURED HOMES (MOBILEHOMES) – (i). A manufactured home (mobilehome) is a transportable structure designed to be occupied as a residence, and it is either more than 40 feet long or more than 8 feet wide. Report the number of manufactured homes (mobilehomes) on this property which are currently licensed (license is not delinquent or expired) and the number of manufactured homes (mobilehomes) which are not licensed or for which the license is delinquent or expired. Do not report "travel trailers" which are not more than 40 feet long or more than 8 feet wide.